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Keysight’s PathWave Data Analytics Software


Keysight’s PathWave Data Analytics Software


Keysight — the world’s leading electronic measurement company — provides end-to-end hardware and software solutions for designing, testing, and securing Internet of Things (IoT) devices and network infrastructures. Here’s a closer look at how Keysight’s open, scalable, and predictive PathWave software automates manual tasks to catapult engineering productivity to new levels.


Efficiencies Gained From Integrated Data Analytics


By 2025, the world will have  an estimated 175 zettabytes of data, up sharply from 33 zettabytes of data in 2018, according to IDC. Given this proliferation of data, it’s anticipated that within the next five years, organizations will utilize data engineering services far and wide. Big data architectures that embed analytics will replace old data warehouse architectures across the board. These new architectures will initiate a significant shift by organizations to employ data analytics in their business, processes, and products.


A zettabyte of data is far beyond the scope of human organizations to analyze — which is why data analytics software will continue to come to the rescue, sifting through massive amounts of information to uncover efficiency from chaos. Such software simplifies workflows, automates manual tasks, makes measurements more accurate and repeatable, and ultimately raises engineering productivity.


Data science does not happen in silos. It must be integrated as a common thread across engineering operations and processes, from start to finish. Keysight’s analytics software platforms do just that, allowing for simple, quick, non-tedious integration into any design and test workflow.


As a result, engineers are free to focus on their designs, rather than spending copious amounts of time consolidating test results and conducting data visualization. Integrated data analytics software allows engineers to shorten design cycles, reduces the number of redesigns, and connects design and test workflows to increase productivity and minimize risk. From uncovering operational efficiencies to providing business continuity, data analytics software accelerates innovation on many levels.


Managing Waveform Data Overwhelms R&D Labs


The automotive, IoT, and mobile device markets are growing rapidly. Design engineers must leverage innovative technology to quickly develop products that are robust, reliable, secure from malicious intrusions, and low in power consumption. Capturing, transferring, comparing, and managing large and long-duration waveform data is time-consuming and costly. Analyzing these waveforms during design validation and characterization remains a manual task.


During the validation and characterization process, R&D labs store huge sets of continuous long-duration waveforms from multiple test runs for monitoring or detailed analytics. The size of that waveform data from multiple test runs for just one integrated circuit validation is enormous — in the range of hundreds of gigabits. This results in significant costs for storage space and maintenance. Engineers must eyeball the data to perform multiple correlations of multichannel waveforms and discover anomalies such as spikes and time lags. The process is tedious, inefficient, and prone to outliers and human error.


Managing Waveform Data Overwhelms R&D Labs


Spend less time and money analyzing waveforms during design validation and characterization with PathWave Waveform Analytics. You can automate manual tasks to raise your engineering productivity without sacrificing accuracy.




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